ARC Review: Top Ten Clues You’re Clueless


Title/Author: Top Ten Clues You’re Clueless by Liz Czukas
Publication Date/Publisher: December 9, 2014/Harper Teen
Series: No
Source and Format: I received this book for free from the publisher via Edelweiss. This in no way affected my opinion of the book, or the content of my review.
Rating: 2 stars
From Goodreads:
Top Five Things That Are Ruining Chloe’s Day

5) Working the 6:30 a.m. shift at GoodFoods Market

4) Crashing a cart into a customer’s car right in front of her snarky coworker Sammi

3) Trying to rock the “drowned rat” look after being caught in a snowstorm

2) Making zero progress with her crush, Tyson (see #3)

1) Being accused—along with her fellow teenage employees—of stealing upwards of $10,000

Chloe would rather be anywhere than locked in work jail (aka the break room) with five of her coworkers . . . even if one of them is Tyson. But if they can band together to clear their names, what looks like a total disaster might just make Chloe’s list of Top Ten Best Moments.

1. Reads VERY YOUNG – I would guess the characters are 13-14 not 16-18.
2. Very The Breakfast Club-y. Teens are detained (detention) and they are The Brain, The Jock, The Princess, The Weirdo, etc.
3. Predictable – saw it coming from a mile away.
4. Diabetes was an interesting touch, but I thought it went a little overboard. I mean, my cat is diabetic, so I know what I’m talking about.
5. That was a joke, but my cat really is diabetic.
6. This is now a list about cats instead of a book I didn’t really like.
But seriously – at least Top Ten Clues You’re Clueless was a quick read.

Top Ten Tuesday: Fall TBR


This week, The Broke and the Bookish is asking for the Top Ten Books on My Fall TBR. I’m posting about my new lack of reading schedule on Monday, but let me just say that this was super hard to do without my old google calendar.

  1. Throne of Glass Series by Sarah J Maas: I want to start over the The Assassin’s Blade and read all the books! You know how much I love a binge read.
  2. The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson: I need some more #mistbornfeels!
  3. Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater: Pre-ordered the fancy bookplate edition SO FAST and waiting to be approved on Netgalley for SO LONG
  4. Althea & Oliver by Cristina Moracho: Enough of the fantasy, I always feel like reading ALL THE CONTEMPORARY in the fall (and all the other seasons)
  5. Top Ten Clues You’re Clueless by Liz Czukas: I thought Ask Again Later was pretty cute, so I’m excited for this one
  6. Even in Paradise by Chelsey Philpot: Does anyone else get a We Were Liars-ish vibe from this?
  7. A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray: Enough with the contemporary – I can’t wait to get to this gorgeous book (though I did just realize it’s A Thousand and not ONE Thousand and that maybe bothers me a little bit?)
  8. Snow Like Ashes by Sarah Raasch: YES YES YES YES YES
  9. Killer Instinct by Jennifer Lynn Barnes: So far I’ve heard that this is better than The Naturals, so I’m totally on board. I would really like to know how many books are in this series though – is this the end or will there be another?
  10. The Fine Art of Pretending by Rachel Harris: Okay, back to contemporary. I haven’t read any Rachel Harris yet, but all of her books are pretty close to 4 stars or higher on Goodreads, so I’m excited to give this a shot.

I can’t wait to see everyone’s TBRs this week so I can add to my ever growing one!

ARC Review: Ask Again Later


Book Title/Author: Ask Again Later by Liz Czukas
Publication Date/Publisher: March 11, 2014/HarperTeen
Series: No
Source and Format: Received e-ARC from publisher via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review
Rating: 3.5 stars

From Goodreads:

Despite what her name might suggest, Heart has zero interest in complicated romance. So when her brilliant plan to go to prom with a group of friends is disrupted by two surprise invites, Heart knows there’s only one drama-free solution: flip a coin.

Heads: The jock. He might spend all night staring at his ex or throw up in the limo, but how bad can her brother’s best friend really be?

Tails: The theater geek…with a secret. What could be better than a guy who shares all Heart’s interests–even if he wants to share all his feelings?

Heart’s simple coin flip has somehow given her the chance to live out both dates. But where her prom night ends up might be the most surprising thing of all…


PROM! I love Prom! I went three times, and it only got better. Heck, I’d go again now. I just really love formal wear, okay?

Ask Again Later is told through dual perspectives: Heads, Heart if she went with the recently-dumped Owen as a favor to her big brother. Tails, Heart if she went with her friend, Ryan, who comes out to her but still needs a beard for the dance. There is a lot of talk of fate and it’s fun to see the different ways the story could go and the way the two twine together – no matter what Heart chooses, will the outcome be the same?

I thought it was weird for juniors and seniors to be having their prom together. Is this a thing? I don’t think my school did a junior prom, and definitely did not do a junior/senior joint dance.

It’s slightly distracting for me when song titles are used in books because it automatically dates the book (or shows the MC to have terrible taste). In Ask Again Later I learned that it’s even more annoying to hear descriptions of popular songs, but in such a detailed yet generic way that you can’t even guess the song. Or when Heart says that her favorite song is being played but doesn’t seem like the Top 40 type.

Heads: Super cute and fun!

Tails: The overly jokey writing is a little much sometimes.

And of course, my own prom pictures.


In 2002 I was a sophomore, so I obviously didn’t go by myself, but my boyfriend and I did a big picture package with solo and together photos, so I didn’t have to do any…crafty editing to this one. This dress was my best friend’s grandma’s dress – totally vintage, just like Heart’s. Sixteen year old me was even more hair and make-up clueless than current me, which I didn’t know was possible. Post prom activities should probably not be mentioned here.



In 2003, I was going through a glasses wearing phase. I don’t think my eyes were bad enough to need them all the time, but that didn’t stop me (see also: yearbook picture)! I bought this dress at Macy’s for like $25 the week before prom, it has some hot pink tulle peaking out the bottom, which inspired my dress for senior year. I’m really tripping out seeing pictures of my arms with no tattoos – but look, baby muscles finally after 2 full years of color guard! Post prom activities include making out in someone’s mom’s minivan.



Senior prom! A big group of us all went together, my date is to the right of me. This is probably the best picture I’ve ever taken and I look ridiculous. My best friend’s grandma MADE this dress for me and loaned me the crinoline I wore underneath, putting the grand total I spent on prom dresses at less than $50. It’s very obviously 2004, based on my mile high skunk hair and hot pink and black palette. We rented a hotel room for after prom and some hooligans from another high school tried to crash our party. I got into a screaming match with them and I seriously thought one of the guys was going to hit me. They threw a rock through our sliding glass door and we had to leave. PROM!